среда, 11 мая 2011 г.

The community work day

In the saturday we went the community work day in the our Medical Academy. We were cleaned in all territory of academy: we wash the Dean's office, our student hostel and the territory near the academy. It was not pleasant to all us  but we think, it is very useful for our city and own health, and now, territory of our academy is the most beautiful in our city.

The chair of the Anatomy

The chair of the anatomy is a one of the favourite in our group. In this chair we study the human body.The teacher staff includes 8 persons. They give us very interesting information and practical  habits. The lector of the anatomy is Labzin V.I. Hi is very amusing teacher and he joke of the students.Our teacher in practical classes is Goricov Igor Nikolaevich. He is a very clever teacher.The chair of thee normal anatomy is a one of the mainest chair of our Academy.